Mission & Support


The last couple of years have been difficult for many. Society seems more divided than ever, and many have lost hope. The good news is that there is true and lasting hope. Amana seeks to share the hope of Jesus whilst at the same time providing a great education.

School is the mission field, and teachers can model Christ-like behaviour and bring the good news of Christ to New Zealand families.

The special character and private school status means Amana has a greater control over curriculum and can keep it God centred. Unlike an integrated school, there is no cap on numbers.

Just as the Church sent and continues to send people to foreign mission fields, we call on believers to do the same, sending teachers into the local mission field.

Teaching is unique in that children can witness first-hand the impact Christ has on the life of teaching staff.

With a view to strengthen existing believing families and reaching as many of the lost (in an effective way) would love to offer Christian based onsite and Distance Learning to more people at a lower cost.

How you can support:

Amana is supported by the Taieri Christian Education Charitable Trust, any donations are tax deductible. If you wish to support a mission teacher or other aspect of the school please contact us.

Importantly, support in the form of prayer, and practical needs would be greatly encouraged for your local teachers and parents. Just as with partnering for an overseas missionary or church worker we would encourage ongoing regular commitment to support.

If you are interested in sponsoring or supporting a teacher (or more) then please contact us.

For Teachers (and Support Personnel)

We love teachers who have a heart for God and his children. 

We understand there may be teachers who currently find themselves in a situation where they cannot teach (face to face) in a physical classroom. We do understand how this change is distressing and challenging.

You are not alone. Amana’s Distance Learning has been fully revised with you in mind.

We have an active community of supportive parents and teachers who understand some of the challenges you are facing.

We would love to have a chat and explore possibilities to work together. Please contact us.